Oct 6, 2022
Tyra Moore is the founder of A Girl Like Me, a nonprofit organization that supports and mentors at-risk, low income teenage girls and young moms. Tyra herself was a teen mom and founded the organization to help other girls like her. Tyra joins The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast to share her inspiring story and the incredible work of A Girl Like Me.
Tyra found out she was pregnant at the age of 14 and kept it a secret until a few days before she actually gave birth, when she finally told her mom. Tyra didn’t have anything for her baby, but her mom called family and friends to share the news, and very quickly, Tyra had everything she and her baby would need for the first few years. From that moment, after being showered by love and support from her own community, Tyra promised herself that she would pay it forward and one day help other girls, teens, and young moms.
A Girl Like Me provides free diapers, wipes, baby formula, food, new and gently used baby items, clothing and shoes, personal hygiene kits, and other basic necessities to the girls they serve. A Girl Like Me also provides education, resources, mentoring, and any other support they may need. Additionally, the organization provides a community for the girls and a safe place for them to learn, grow, and be inspired to be the person they were created to be. A Girl Like Me is transforming the lives of young girls in so many ways.
Listen to Tyra’s inspiring story on the new episode of The 1 Girl Revolution Podcast!
In this episode, you’ll hear:
For more information, please visit: www.1girlrevolution.com/tyramoore